The European Commission has recognized the potential of social enterprises for innovation and their positive impact in economy and society at large and has set up a number of initiatives to support the development of the European social enterprise finance sector. To further build the emerging European social enterprise finance sector and to facilitate access to EaSI financial instruments, the European Commission has selected the European Center for Social Finance to provide technical assistance focused on building capacity in Europe. More information on application and eligibility criteria can be found here.

The services comprise:

  • Tailored training: Tailored trainings aim at providing knowledge / skills to the staff of an organization.
  • Investment readiness trainings: Investment readiness trainings aim at preparing social enterprise finance providers for taking on investments, loans, grants or guarantees.
  • Peer-to-peer trainings: Peer-to-peer trainings aim at providing an opportunity for organizations to learn from experiences and practices of other social enterprise finance intermediaries.
  • Study visits: They aim at sharing the experience of an experienced social enterprise finance intermediary that hosts the study visit with groups of selected organizations.
  • Social enterprise finance workshops: They are workshops on general topics related to social enterprise finance (EaSI financial instruments, investment readiness support, social impact measurement, business development services or similar) with the aim of exchanging practices in applying advanced tools and disseminating good practices.

Please send applications or any questions you might have to