The ECSF hosted the final transnational project meeting of the Beyond Capital project in Munich, Germany, which had received support and funding from the European Union through the Erasmus Plus program. This workshop brought together project partners from various parts of Europe at the premises of the Munich Business School on the 5th and 6th of October 2023. The primary focus of the agenda for this two-day meeting was the revision and finalization of the project’s results, which had been developed over the course of the project’s duration.
Additionally, a crucial aspect of the workshop was the planning for the project’s sustainability beyond the funding period. Partners recognized the importance of ensuring that the knowledge and practices acquired during the Beyond Capital project would continue to benefit communities and organizations well into the future. Strategies for sustainability included the dissemination plan for the Beyond Capital MOOC.
By enjoying authentic Bavarian dishes and exploring the city’s charming neighborhoods, the partners found moments of relaxation and connection. This made the workshop more than just a work-focused event; it also became an opportunity for shared experiences and cultural exchange.